C2. Feeding and Nutrition in Birds of Prey
This course describes the skills and knowledge required to provide an appropriate, adequate and nutritious diet to Birds of Prey in captivity in order to promote health, longevity and well-being. Additional specialist knowledge and skills may be required where birds of prey are regularly flying, being fed off the glove for part of their early life, where they are used for breeding, and in emergency or rehabilitation situations. These are covered in the appropriate specialist standards in other modules.
The Constituents of a healthy diet for Birds of Prey
Criteria covered. Water, energy, protein, vitamins, minerals
Factors affecting dietary requirements and feeding times
Species, Activity levels, climate, suitability and quality of food, sources of food, food prep, hygiene, food presentation, disposal of waste
Consequences of unsafe feeding practices
Recognise unsafe and dangerous food, metabolic diseases, infection, and obesity
On registering for this course you will get a learners login which will give you information on the course and reading references + the worksheet and/or test that will be needed to be completed for this course before a certificate is issued. Certificates are valid for 5 years. Refresher course is then required
This course is a one day course 10-4pm and costs £100 + certificate