C5. Keeping Birds of Prey – Legal aspects and animal welfare bodies (UK)
This course selects key legislation regarding the legal position of Captive Birds of Prey in the UK. It highlights the principle legislation that indicates the knowledge that a bird of prey keeper will need in order to remain compliant. This course also signposts key animal welfare bodies and outlines their role.
The principle legislation covering the keeping of birds of prey
Practical compliance with legislation in the UK
Animal Welfare bodies and their role in ensuring Bird of Prey welfare
On registering for this course you will get a learners login which will give you information on the course and reading references + the worksheet and/or test that will be needed to be completed for this course before a certificate is issued. Certificates are valid for 5 years. Refresher course is then required
This course is a half day course 10-1pm and costs £80 + certificate